About us

We are second-year Network

Economics students at Howest located in Belgium, currently working on a project for the course Future Thinking.

Our goal is to encourage young people aged 14 to 18 to think about the future.

For this purpose, we came up with the idea of creating an interactive map in Fortnite,

where we created various futures archetypes.

Meet the team

Ismael Abdselam
Jasper Boden
Stan Decaluwé
Timen Dobbels
Christian Damian
Berte Damiens
Mattias Favoreel
Lien Gommers
Esteban Gybels
Louis Lowette
Noah Tanghe
Robbe Vandenbroucke
Stijn Oosterlinck
Kim Snel
Nathan Van Ende
Thomas D'hooge

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